(re)Introducing Nuovo: A Culture Reboot

Nuovo is constantly looking for ways to serve people better, whether they’re guests in our chairs or team members coming to work every day. In September, we introduced you to our Anti-Static culture and our Culture Club Influencers that help foster the fun, supportive, creative environment that Nuovo is known for. The next step in our internal focus: a full-on culture reboot!

While our DNA hasn’t changed, we believe it is still important to reflect and flow as the world around us changes. In line with our Anti-Static culture, our co-owners Terry McKee and James Amato have gone through and refreshed the Nuovo vision and values.

Responsibly Disrupt the Current Reality

We see our culture reboot as a responsible disruption to the current way we are doing things here at Nuovo. So what does that mean?

It means that we practice what we preach and are always reevaluating our place as market leaders in the beauty community. We want to ensure our values speak to our clients, our team and our community.

Culture is not just “the way we do things.” It is a culmination of our mission, values, philosophy and vision. We chose to do some introspection and break down our current culture to find who Nuovo is now. After a lot of thought and reflection, our rebooted mission is to align with, and act on, a shared commitment to integrity, excellence, and community.

While our team might have their own individual values, together we strive to uphold the Nuovo values through our work and through our play! We’re delighted to announce that we’ve recently been honored in Salon Today Magazine’s Top 200 in the highly competitive category of Salon Culture.

A document detailing Nuovo's culture reboot, emphasizing integrity, excellence, and community, along with their guiding philosophy, mission, vision, and actions. - Nuovo Salon Group in Sarasota & Bradenton, FL

Influencer Rollout and Team Integration

With the help of our Culture Club Influencers, we were able to rally the team around our rebooted mission statement. In team meetings and one-on-ones, each influencer took ownership of a piece and showed us what, for example, excellence means to them. This allowed us to collaborate with our team leaders to build support for a well-rounded culture. This team-based approach to the rollout made it a fun and exciting experience where the team could actively participate and invest a part of themselves into our refreshed mission. We’re so grateful that our influencers were able to share the Nuovo values with our team in such a special way. 


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The Art of Active Listening

As part of our focus on culture, we recently had the opportunity to learn from motivational speaker Linda Larson. She presented to our team a two-part series about the importance of active listening. 

The theory behind this is that most people are only listening to respond, not to understand, which shuts down effective communication. We discussed what this looks like within the beauty industry and how being active listeners and communicators can only make us better at our craft and better as a whole–for our clients, our team, and our community. 

The world is moving fast these days. We want every Nuovo Salon to be a place of beauty, love and respite for everyone who walks in our doors, which is why it’s so important to us to do the work that makes us better from the inside, out. 

We’d love it if you could take a beat and experience the Nuovo culture with us!

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