Hair Growth Has Never Looked Brighter: NUOVO x Greco Hair Restoration

In the world of beauty and wellness, the pursuit of thicker & fuller hair often extends beyond the scope of a salon’s capabilities. That’s why Terry and James, the dedicated owners of NUOVO Salon, recently embarked on a journey to support a local Sarasota business specializing in a different aspect of beauty: Greco Hair Restoration. In this blog, we’re excited to share their personal experiences and the results they achieved through Dr. Greco’s expertise.

Meet Dr. Greco

Behind the remarkable success of Greco Hair Restoration is Dr. Joseph Greco, a dermatologist, Mohs surgeon, and third-generation hair restoration surgeon. His aesthetic touch has been honed through years of experience in the cosmopolitan epicenter of beauty – Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Greco goes above and beyond to ensure patients are comfortable and relaxed during their treatments.

The Dynamic Duo

To assist Dr. Greco in helping clients reach their beauty goals, Vicky Greco directs aesthetics as an expert in artistry. As the Aesthetics Director at Greco Dermatology, Vicky makes sure patients look and feel their best. She is also a Licensed tattoo artist with certifications in microblading and paramedical tattooing.

A Trusted Relationship

James shares, “First, I have known the Greco family for several decades, and they are a wonderful, integrity-based family. I trust them implicitly.” The journey began with a seamless and professional experience. James notes, “The team upon arrival was on-time and courteous…the blood draw was efficient and painless.”

James chose to opt for a BioScalp treatment. But what exactly is BioScalp?

A Remarkable Treatment Process

Cytokine-rich plasma (CRP) treatment, also known as BioScalp, is a revolutionary yet less invasive solution to hair loss. CRP is a treatment derived from the patient’s blood, containing optimal levels of growth factors and anti-inflammatory cytokines to stimulate hair follicles. Once extracted, the regenerative solution is seamlessly injected into the patient’s scalp

James personally attests to the effectiveness of BioScalp. He describes, “Scalp injections, administered by Dr. Greco with impeccable bedside manner, were dulled by a vibrating device which worked quite well and went quickly as I chose not to get my scalp numbed! My scalp was slightly tender for a day then went back to normal.”

Moreover, he adds, “Soon after receiving the treatment (a few weeks), I noted that the quality of my hair had improved, i.e., shine and vitality. A few months after the treatment, my hair appeared fuller and the density had increased.”

To achieve optimal results, Dr. Greco recommends follow-up treatments.

Terry’s Glowing Results

Terry, the other half of NUOVO Salon’s dynamic leadership duo, also experienced incredible results from Greco Hair Restoration. Terry shares his enthusiasm about the BioFacial, which similarly uses CRP to inject growth factors back into your skin. He states, “I am extremely pleased with the amazing results I achieved from the BioFacial at Greco. The treatment exceeded my expectations, performing in arenas from fine lines to overall skin texture. My clients commented that I had a ‘glow’.”

But the surprises didn’t end there. Terry discovered an unexpected benefit of the treatment, as he adds, “Interestingly enough, we had a bit left over and injected in my scalp: I’ve had guest after guest comment on the hair growth!”

CRP Isn’t The Only Option!

For those who want hair growth but are worried about receiving injections, Dr. Greco offers scalp micropigmentation. This technique creates an undetectable illusion of thicker, fuller hair by depositing natural pigment into the upper layers of the skin. Micropigmentation seamlessly blends with existing hair, giving patients a natural and vibrant look.

The Ultimate Patient Experience

The fundamental core of Greco Hair Restoration is not only delivering exceptional dermatologic care but also providing an overall incredible patient experience. Their commitment to patient comfort and satisfaction is truly exceptional.

NUOVO Salon understands that while luxury can be achieved in the salon chair, sometimes stronger technologies are needed to address specific concerns, such as hair loss and skin rejuvenation. By partnering with Greco Hair Restoration, Terry and James have not only improved their well-being but also expanded their hair health knowledge, while supporting another local Sarasota beauty and wellness business.

If you’re looking to enhance your hair health or rejuvenate your skin, consider starting your journey with Greco Hair Restoration. Learn more and visit their website here!